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APOE type, APOE4 + Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's prevention

Alzheimer’s Gene: Find your APOE type from your genetic raw data

The APOE gene variants are linked with the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Find out whether you carry the APOE risk type for Alzheimer’s – and learn what research shows about supplements and lifestyle changes to prevent this disease.

What is YOUR risk of heart disease?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is heritable. Understanding your genes and a ‘heart healthy’ lifestyle can prevent heart attacks and death.

Saturated Fats, ACE Gene, APOE gene and saturated fats

Saturated Fat and Your Genes (ACE gene)

There has been a decades-long debate about which type of fat is best: saturated fat vs polyunsaturated fat. It may depend on your genes as to which answer is right for you. Learn more about this debate and find out how your genes play a part.