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Parkinson's Disease genetic factors and environmental factors, Parkinson's symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease: Genetics plus Environmental Factors

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not yet fully understood. Researchers think that it is caused by a combo of genetics and environmental factors. Learn more about this disease and the factors that lead to susceptibility.

APOE type, APOE4 + Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's prevention

Alzheimer’s Gene: Find your APOE type from your genetic raw data

The APOE gene variants are linked with the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Find out whether you carry the APOE risk type for Alzheimer’s – and learn what research shows about supplements and lifestyle changes to prevent this disease.

COMT and Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, natural supplements to avoid for slow COMT

COMT in Pain Disorders

Genetic polymorphisms in COMT affect how we feel certain types of pain. These variants are linked to increased susceptibility to chronic pain disorders.

Lyme disease symptoms, chronic Lyme symptoms, genetics involved with Lyme disease

Chronic Lyme: Genetic Susceptibility

The interesting thing about Lyme disease is that the genetic variants you carry impact both how the disease affects you and how well antibiotics work for you. Learn whether your genetic variants are linked to post-treatment Lyme disease symptoms such as joint pain. (Member’s article)

Ehlers-Danlos Syncrome, symptoms, genetics of hEDS

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: Genes, Types, and Treatments

Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes causes changes in the way that collagen forms in the joints, ligaments, and skin. Explore the research on EDS and the genetic mutations that cause some of the subtypes of the disorder.

Lymphedema: Causes and Genetic Pathways

Lymphedema can be caused by various factors such as a traumatic injury, genetics, or even cancer. Discover how your genetics influence the risk of developing the condition.

BChE gene: Nightshade sensitivity, Anesthesia risk

Genetic variants of the BChE gene decrease its enzyme’s activity. This can lead to various and seemingly unconnected consequences…such as an increased risk for Parkinson’s or food sensitivity to potatoes.

Flu season

Beating Flu Season

Are you more genetically susceptible to the flu? Learn how your genes play a role and discover research-backed natural options to beat the flu.

Essential Tremor: Causes and Possible Solutions

Essential tremor (ET) is a neurological disease causing involuntary shaking in places of the body while performing tasks such as writing or eating. Learn more about this disease and discover the genetic causes of ET.

Genetic Superpowers Report

This Genetic Superpowers Report looks at the positive side of genetic variants. Everyone has some kind of genetic superpower, and hopefully, this report will highlight yours!