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HPA Axis Dysfunction: Understanding Cortisol and Genetic Interactions

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in times of stress, and it also plays many roles in your normal bodily functions. It is a multi-purpose hormone that needs to be in the right amount (not too high, not too low) and at the right time. Your genes play a big role in how likely you are to have problems with cortisol.

picture of natural supplements with a dollar sign

Guide: Saving Money on Supplements

Five quick examples of how you could use your genetic data to dial in the supplements worth trying and which ones to skip for now.

Psychopaths: Born not made?

Can you be born a psychopath? Are there genes linked to psychopathy? Discover how your genes don’t predestine you to become a psychopath.

Oxytocin and Weight Loss

A look into the possible use of intranasal oxytocin for weight loss. Discover more and what your response might be depending on your genes.