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Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), Genes, symptoms, solutions

Familial Mediterranean Fever: Mimics fibromyalgia, arthritis, inflammation

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a genetic condition of inflammatory episodes that cause painful joints, pain in the abdomen, or pain in the chest. It is most often accompanied by a fever. FMF is often misdiagnosed as various pain-related conditions such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, or gouty arthritis.

Celiac Disease: Genes, Symptoms and HLA type

Celiac Genes: How to Check Your Raw Data

Celiac disease is caused by a combination of environmental factors (eating gluten, other factors) and having the genetic variants that cause susceptibility to the disease. Without the genetic susceptibility, you won’t have celiac.

Genetics and Food Allergies

Do you have a food allergy? Discover how environmental factors and genetic susceptibility can shape individual reactions.