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Nicotinamide Riboside and NMN: Boosting NAD+ in Aging

Explore the research about how nicotinamide riboside (NR) and NMN are being used to reverse aging. Learn about how your genes naturally affect your NAD+ levels and how this interacts with the aging process.

ACTN3 fast muscle type genetics

ACTN3 Gene: Deficiency and Muscle Type

The ACTN3 gene codes for actinin alpha-3, a protein found in fast-twitch muscles. Some people don’t produce this protein, which changes the composition of their muscles. Elite athletes may be limited by this genetic change.

Longevity Genes: Hacking healthspan using genomics

Several genes have been identified as longevity genes, linked to an increase in lifespan. Most importantly, these particular genetic variants show links to a longer ‘healthspan’. Check your genetic data to see if you carry the FOXO3A and IGF1R variants associated with healthy longevity.

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): Genetics, lifestyle, and health span

One cause of many of the diseases of aging is the buildup of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Your genes interact with your diet – and cooking methods – in the build-up of AGEs. Learn whether this is something that is important for you to focus on. (Member’s article)