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Fibroids: Genes, root causes, and solutions

Uterine fibroids are a problem for a lot of women, especially after age 30. Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the muscle cells of the uterus. This article will dig into the causes of fibroids, explain how your genetic variants can add to the susceptibility, and offer solutions that are backed by research. (Member’s article)

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): Genetics, lifestyle, and health span

One cause of many of the diseases of aging is the buildup of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Your genes interact with your diet – and cooking methods – in the build-up of AGEs. Learn whether this is something that is important for you to focus on. (Member’s article)

HIF-1a: Hypoxia, Cancer, and Athletic Superpowers

The hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF1A) gene codes for a transcription factor, that responds to the amount of oxygen available to the cell. This is important in cancer prevention, and several HIF1A genetic variants alter the susceptibility to several types of cancer.

Acne: Root Causes & Personal Solutions

Acne is thought to be 80% heritable. Learn how your genetic variants increase your risk of acne and find specific solutions that work for those genetic pathways.

Back Pain: Genetics, root causes, and solutions

For some people, back pain is a daily occurrence that drastically affects their quality of life. For others, it may be an intermittent nagging problem, often without rhyme or reason. Your genes play a role in whether disc degeneration gives you back pain.

BDNF: cognition, stress resilience, introversion, and mood

Low levels of BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) are linked to introversion, stress resilience, cognition, and depression levels. Discover ways to increase your BDNF levels and mitigate the problems associated with the BDNF gene variants. (Member’s article)

Why light at night increases cancer risk

The World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes light at night as a probable carcinogen. Learn why dim light at night increases your risk of breast cancer — and what you can do to easily reduce this risk. (Member’s article)