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Mercury Detoxification: Genomics and Solutions

What are the physiological effects of mercury and how does the body eliminates it? Discover how genetic variants play a role in how quickly you excrete mercury.

7 genetic variants that increase your risk of blood clots

Some people are unique in their ability to form clots more easily. This article covers six different genes and the seven genetic variants that increase the risk of blood clots. It is a timely topic because blood clots seem to be a severe complication for people with COVID-19.

Mold Genes: How Do Mycotoxins Affect You?

Exposure to certain kinds of mold can cause chronic, negative health effects. Discover how genetic variants impact the ability to handle mycotoxins.

Genes that Impact Ferritin Levels

Ferritin is the storage protein for iron in the body. Storing too little or too much iron can be an indicator of an underlying problem. Discover the genetic variants that impact ferritin and how to increase ferritin with supplements or foods.

Leaky Gut Genes: Emulsifiers in Processed Foods

Emulsifiers, found in many processed and packaged foods, can trigger an inflammatory response in the intestines based on whether you carry specific genetic variants.

Glucuronidation: UGT genetic variants, detoxification, and hormone balance

The UGT family of enzymes is responsible for an important part of phase II detoxification. This article explains what the UGT enzymes do in the body, how your genes impact this part of detoxification, and lifestyle factors that can increase or decrease this detox process.

CYP1A2 Gene: Fast or Slow Caffeine Metabolizer?

The CYP1A2 gene breaks down caffeine, several major prescription drugs, and interacts with smoking. Learn how your genes influence caffeine metabolism and more.

NQO1 Gene: Metabolism of quinones, benzene, and more

The NQO1 gene codes for an important enzyme in phase II detoxification. This enzyme is responsible for metabolizing the cancer-causing benzene (e.g. from air pollution) and cigarette toxins. Learn more and check your genes. (Member’s article)

Best Supplements to Boost BDNF

Is it smart to boost your BDNF levels? Discover more by digging into the research studies that show when, how, and why it is important to focus on BDNF.

CYP2D6 gene and medication reactions

The CYP2D6 enzyme is responsible for metabolizing about 25% of commonly used medications. There are several fairly common genetic variants in CYP2D6 that affect how quickly you will break down a drug.

Mushroom intolerance: Ergothioneine and the OCTN1 gene

Mushrooms contain a healthy antioxidant called ergothioneine. But for people with a SLC22A4 genetic variant, this antioxidant can be too much of a good thing, leading to intestinal problems. Check your genetic data to see if you carry this mushroom intolerance variant.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Genes: Root Causes

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an immune system attack on the joints, causing thickening and inflammation of the joint capsule. It is caused by a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers. (Member’s article)

Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS3): Heart health, blood pressure, and healthy aging

Nitric Oxide Synthase is an important signaling molecule in the endothelium of our blood vessels. It has roles in the regulation of blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, brain health, and more. Genetic variants in nitric oxide genes are important for a healthy heart. Find out how your genes could play a part in the interactions with cardiovascular disease risk and blood pressure.

Genetics and Lupus: Pathways and Solutions

Lupus is a complex autoimmune disease that can impact several different systems in your body. Learn more about how your genetic variants impact the “why” for this autoimmune disease.

Nrf2 Pathway: Increasing the body’s ability to get rid of toxins

The Nrf2 (Nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor) signaling pathway regulates the expression of antioxidants and phase II detoxification enzymes. It is a fundamental pathway important in how well your body functions. Your genetic variants in the NFE2L2 gene impact this NRF2 pathway.

Building Up Iron: Hemochromatosis mutations

A couple of common mutations can cause you to build up iron, leading to iron overload or hemochromatosis. It is one genetic disease where knowledge is really powerful – you can completely prevent hemochromatosis through blood donations.

Chronic Inflammation & Autoimmune Risk: IL17 gene variants

The IL17 gene codes for an important part of the immune system. When it is overactive, IL-17 can contribute to the risk of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.