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Phthalate detoxification pathway, phthalate genetic interaction, phthalate overview

Phthalates: Genes, Detoxification, and Diet

Phthalates are a type of chemical used as plasticizers to make plastics more pliable. There has been a lot of research on the endocrine-disrupting effects of phthalates. Your genetic variants may impact whether phthalates are a problem for you.

Health Effects of Fluoride and Genetics that affect fluoride detoxification

Fluoride: Understanding Its Effects on Health

Discover the pros and cons of fluoride for dental health and overall wellness, its sources, toxicity levels, and how genetics influence fluoride sensitivity.

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Organophosphates

Is buying organic worth the extra cost? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown foods affect people differently. Some people carry genetic variants that decrease their ability to detoxify specific pesticides, others may be more resilient. This is Part Two in a multipart series on pesticide detoxification.