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Motivation to exercise? It’s genetic.

A study in the journal Behavioral Brain Research paints a fascinating picture of why some people are more motivated to exercise. The study looked at the dopaminergic system to see how people’s genetic variants could alter the ‘reinforcing value’ of exercise.

Will statins give you muscle pain?

Statins are one of the most prescribed medications in the world. One side effect of statins is myopathy, or muscle pain and weakness. Your genetic variants are significant in whether you are likely to have side effects from statins.

Back Pain: Genetics, root causes, and solutions

For some people, back pain is a daily occurrence that drastically affects their quality of life. For others, it may be an intermittent nagging problem, often without rhyme or reason. Your genes play a role in whether disc degeneration gives you back pain.

Opioid Receptors: Variants and addiction

Genetic variants in the ORPM1 gene impact both the amount of pain someone experiences and their response to opioid drugs. These variants are also important in susceptibility to opiate addiction. (Member’s article)