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Longevity Genes: Hacking healthspan using genomics

Several genes have been identified as longevity genes, linked to an increase in lifespan. Most importantly, these particular genetic variants show links to a longer ‘healthspan’. Check your genetic data to see if you carry the FOXO3A and IGF1R variants associated with healthy longevity.

Inclusion Body Myositis inflammation, genetics, supplements, and lifestyle changes for inclusion body myositis

Inclusion Body Myositis: Genomics and Solutions

Inclusion body myositis is a progressive, chronic condition that causes muscle weakness. It may be an interplay between inflammation, the dysregulation of proteins, mitochondrial dysfunction, and changes to autophagy. Somewhere in the mix, autoimmunity may be triggering it.

Back Pain: Genetics, root causes, and solutions

For some people, back pain is a daily occurrence that drastically affects their quality of life. For others, it may be an intermittent nagging problem, often without rhyme or reason. Your genes play a role in whether disc degeneration gives you back pain.

Is intermittent fasting right for you?

Intermittent fasting and ketosis have a lot of benefits, but they may not be right for you. Your genes play a role in how you feel when fasting.

Genes Involved in Autophagy

Just like you need to take out the trash and recycle your plastics and cans, your body also needs to clean up cellular waste and recycle proteins. This process is called autophagy, and it is incredibly important in preventing the diseases of aging. (Member’s article)