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HPA Axis disfunction, ways to reduce cortisol levels, genetic variants related to HPA Axis disfunction.

HPA Axis Dysfunction: Understanding Cortisol and Genetic Interactions

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in times of stress, and it also plays many roles in your normal bodily functions. It is a multi-purpose hormone that needs to be in the right amount (not too high, not too low) and at the right time. Your genes play a big role in how likely you are to have problems with cortisol.

SIRT3, Aging, and Mitochondrial Function

How we age is just as important as how long we live. Examine how sirtuins play a part in the aging process by how they regulate our cellular health.

Leptin Receptors: Genetics and Hunger

Do you wonder why other people don’t seem to struggle with wanting to eat more? Ever wished your body could just naturally know that it has had enough food and turn off the desire to eat? You might carry a genetic variant in the leptin receptor gene which is linked to not feeling as full or satisfied by your meal. (Member’s article)