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A Sweet Tooth Without Weight Gain: FGF21 Gene

The FGF21 gene codes for a hormone that is created in the liver and is important for appetite regulation. One variant is linked to increasing carbohydrate consumption – but without an increase in weight gain or diabetes. (Member’s article)

Leptin Receptors: Genetics and Hunger

Do you wonder why other people don’t seem to struggle with wanting to eat more? Ever wished your body could just naturally know that it has had enough food and turn off the desire to eat? You might carry a genetic variant in the leptin receptor gene which is linked to not feeling as full or satisfied by your meal. (Member’s article)

BPA: How Your Genes Influence BPA Detoxification

BPA, a chemical found in some plastics, has been linked to a variety of health issues in people. Learn more about BPA and the research into genetic responses to this chemical.

Hacking BDNF for weight loss

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a fascinating growth hormone that performs many functions in our brain. Its involvement helps to support neurons and neuronal growth. In addition, it plays a role in long-term memory — and it also is important in obesity.

DHEA and weight

DHEA and Your Weight

DHEA is a hormone that does a lot in the body – including influencing muscle mass and weight. This quick article examines just one aspect of DHEA: how it affects our weight. But the genetic variants included here also impact other impacts of DHEA in the body.