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Insomnia Solutions Based on Your Genes

Learn about some of the genetic reasons for insomnia — and the solutions that may work for you based on your genetic variants.

PMS, Genetics, and Solutions

A lot of women know the moodiness and brain fog that comes with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Studies estimate that PMS is up to 95% heritable – which means that it has a huge genetic component. Learn about the genes and find out which solutions may actually work for you.

Are you allergic to grass pollen? It may be genetic.

Allergies are usually due to a mix of genetic susceptibility and being exposed to certain triggering molecules. Several different gene variants have ties to an increased risk of grass pollen allergies.

modafinil genes

Is the nootropic drug modafinil likely to work for you?

Modafinil is being used as a nootropic drug that increases alertness and gives a sense of well-being — to some users. Like most drugs, individual results seem to vary. Discover if this could be a viable option for you.

‘MTHFR Coffee’ with Eggs and Kale for Breakfast

Spurred on by a podcast, I share a great breakfast that supports the methylation cycle. Gelatin is an excellent source of glycine, an amino acid that is often short-changed in our modern diet. You can even add it to your morning coffee.