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MTHFR mutations explained, frequency of C677T SNP, A1298C SNP, Supplement Interaction, MTHFR variant risks

MTHFR Mutation: What is it? How to check your raw data.

The MTHFR gene is important for how your body utilizes folate (vitamin B9) for creating neurotransmitters, detoxifying toxicants, and maintaining a healthy heart. Check your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data for the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants.

Nicotinamide Riboside and NMN: Boosting NAD+ in Aging

Explore the research about how nicotinamide riboside (NR) and NMN are being used to reverse aging. Learn about how your genes naturally affect your NAD+ levels and how this interacts with the aging process.

Folate Optimization: MTHFR and Fertility

MTHFR variants affect the conversion of folate into the active form. Learn how this can affect you if you are trying to get pregnant.

HPA Axis Dysfunction: Understanding Cortisol and Genetic Interactions

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in times of stress, and it also plays many roles in your normal bodily functions. It is a multi-purpose hormone that needs to be in the right amount (not too high, not too low) and at the right time. Your genes play a big role in how likely you are to have problems with cortisol.

Genetic Causes of Male Infertility

Almost 10% of couples worldwide struggle with infertility. Learn more about your genetic susceptibility and dig deeper into the lifestyle factors that could affect your sperm.

Cystic Fibrosis: Check to see if you are a carrier

Being a carrier of a cystic fibrosis mutation increases the risk of several diseases including pneumonia from respiratory viruses, pancreatitis, and male infertility. (Member’s article)

Melatonin: Key to Health and Longevity

More than just a sleep hormone, melatonin is at the heart of many health topics. Your genetic variants play a big role in the production of melatonin. Learn how your lifestyle and diet interact with your melatonin-related genes.

Dads matter: MTHFR variants in fathers affect miscarriage risk

Dads matter – in conception, pregnancy, and throughout life. It is easy to see how prospective moms need to clean up their diets, exercise, and sleep well before getting pregnant, but recent studies show that a dad’s MTHFR variants also affect infertility and miscarriage risk.

Twins: Genetic SNPs that Increase the Odds of Having Twins

Twins tend to ‘run in families’, which is a colloquial way of saying that there is a hereditary component that increases the likelihood of having twins. Check your genetic data (women only :-) to see if you are more likely to have twins.