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Fluoride: Understanding Its Effects on Health

Discover the pros and cons of fluoride for dental health and overall wellness, its sources, toxicity levels, and how genetics influence fluoride sensitivity.

Glyphosate Exposure: Genetics and the Impact on Our Health

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Round-Up. A recent study showed that people with CYP1A1 genetic variants are more likely to have problems with acetylcholinesterase inhibition from glyphosate.

Genetic Lifehacks Academy

Explaining genetics topics in a way you can understand. These members-only courses are included free with all memberships. Current Courses: Getting Started with GeneticsA four lesson course that explains basic concepts such as what a gene does and what the information in your raw data file means. Nutrigenomics: Vitamins and Minerals Learn how your genes interact with micronutrients. This course includes ten lessons on different vitamins and minerals. You will see your genetic data right in the course for immediate understanding and application. Nutrigenomics: Food Intolerances and Sensitivities Find out what your genetic data can tell you about food sensitivities. From lactose to oxalates to histamine and more — make the connections to how different components of foods could impact you.

Tyramine Intolerance

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Intro: Defining Food Intolerances and Sensitivities

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Folate Optimization: MTHFR and Fertility

MTHFR variants affect the conversion of folate into the active form. Learn how this can affect you if you are trying to get pregnant.

Blood pressure, MTHFR, and riboflavin

The common MTHFR C677T variant increases the relative risk of high blood pressure. Learn how to add more Riboflavin (B2) into your diet to reduce risk.

MTHFR Mutation: What is it? How to check your raw data.

The MTHFR gene is important for how your body utilizes folate (vitamin B9) for creating neurotransmitters, detoxifying toxicants, and maintaining a healthy heart. Check your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data for the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants.

Learn more… and download your freebie!

Curious about Genetic Lifehacks? Let me sum it up in just a couple of sentences: Teaching you to use your genetic data from 23andMe or AncestryDNA Explaining the background cellular biology – in a straightforward way. Highlighting personalized solutions for your genes. Download your free eBook on Mast Cell Activation and Genetics: Free eBook Download   Want to learn more? Check out these great articles also! Mast cells and the connection to heart rhythm and the spike protein Histamine intolerance  – genetics and solutions Tyramine intolerance – another biogenic amine to check Genetic Lifehacks membership is an inexpensive way to dive into your genetic data, seeing your genotype reports in all the articles. Membership gives you access to the full lifehacks sections, genotype reports in all 350+ articles, overview reports, and more.

eBook Library

One of the many benefits of a Genetic Lifehacks membership is access to our ebook library. In a perfect format for downloading to your iPad or eBook reader, take your time reading so you can soak up all the information.

ADRA1A Receptors: Blood vessel reactions under stress

We have many systems in place to control blood pressure and heart rate. The ADRA1A receptors are part of this system. Discover how variants can influence blood vessel stress response and how others are connected to cognitive changes.

Long Spike

Discover the research and genetic links to why you may be more susceptible to certain outcomes with long spike.