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Vitamin B6 deficiency genes, foods high in vitamin B6

Vitamin B6: Genetics, Absorption, and Deficiency

Vitamin B6 is an important co-factor in hundreds of different enzymatic reactions. Low levels of B6 are linked to an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. B6 is also essential for reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

MTHFR mutations explained, frequency of C677T SNP, A1298C SNP, Supplement Interaction, MTHFR variant risks

MTHFR Mutation: What is it? How to check your raw data.

The MTHFR gene is important for how your body utilizes folate (vitamin B9) for creating neurotransmitters, detoxifying toxicants, and maintaining a healthy heart. Check your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data for the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants.

Creatine Synthesis, Foods high in creatine, creatine benefits

Creatine: Boosting Muscles and Increasing Brain Power

Creatine is an amino acid used in muscle tissue and the brain for energy in times of stress. Genes play a role in creatine synthesis. Find out what the research shows about creatine supplements for muscle mass and cognitive function.

Nicotinamide riboside and NMN - Boosting NAD+ in aging

Nicotinamide Riboside and NMN: Boosting NAD+ in Aging

Explore the research about how nicotinamide riboside (NR) and NMN are being used to reverse aging. Learn about how your genes naturally affect your NAD+ levels and how this interacts with the aging process.

MTR and MTRR genetic variants, Vitamin b12 genetic variants, choosing the right form of B12 for your genetic variants

MTR and MTRR Genes: Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, and Methylation

There are several genes that can influence your absorption, transport, and need for vitamin B12. Some people need higher amounts of B12, and some people thrive on different forms of B12. Take a look at your genetic data to see if you should up your intake of B12.

Folate Optimization: MTHFR and Fertility

MTHFR variants affect the conversion of folate into the active form. Learn how this can affect you if you are trying to get pregnant.

Blood pressure, MTHFR, and riboflavin

The common MTHFR C677T variant increases the relative risk of high blood pressure. Learn how to add more Riboflavin (B2) into your diet to reduce risk.

Estrogen, histamine, and mast cell connections

Mast cells can be more easily triggered in the presence of high estrogen or estrogen-mimicking compounds. Histamine can also trigger mast cell degranulation. Together, this can cause a lot of symptoms related to mast cell activation.

picture of natural supplements with a dollar sign

Guide: Saving Money on Supplements

Five quick examples of how you could use your genetic data to dial in the supplements worth trying and which ones to skip for now.

Arsenic detoxification and your genes

Arsenic exposure occurs via well water, in certain foods, and through breathing. This article covers the pathways the body uses to get rid of arsenic, and it includes information on genetic variants that may impair the detoxification of arsenic.

Genetic Causes of Depression, 9 Genetic pathways that cause depression, Circadian Rhythm, BDNF, Serotonin genes

Identify Your Root Cause(s) of Depression

Depression can have multiple physiological causes. This article ties together 9 separate articles on depression to simply your genetic search.

FTO is more than just an obesity gene

FTO and m6A methylation: From COVID to Cancer to Obesity

The initial research on the FTO gene was all about how it relates to increased BMI and increased fat cell creation. More recently, researchers discovered that FTO is an m6A eraser that removes methyl groups from mRNA. This discovery has opened up huge avenues of research on topics from cancer to immune response to heart disease.

CBS Gene Variants and Low Sulfur Diet

Some clinicians recommend a low sulfur diet for people with CBS mutations. Find out what the research shows – and why that recommendation is not backed up. (Member’s article)

MTHFR: Going Beyond C677T and A1298C

The MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants get a lot of press, but they do not give the whole picture of the MTHFR gene. Additional variants are impacting the functionality of the enzyme.

MTHFR, depression, anxiety, symptoms and treatment

We are all genetically unique, and a common genetic variant in the MTHFR gene causes some people to be more susceptible to having low folate levels. This article explains the research linking MTHFR variants, folate, and depression — and gives you information on how diet or supplements may help.

MTHFR Gene variants, folate, MTHFR and vaccine response, genes that impact vaccine efficacy

Vaccines and the MTHFR mutation

A lot of people use the MTHFR variants as a reason not to vaccinate their kids. Is there any science to back this up? See what the research says.